Zero Tolerance
Exploring the Story
Create a mind-map about the story
Organise the Information
Use a 5 W’s and How chart to organise the information from the story.
Choose one of the characters in the story. Write a diary entry from that character's point of view about the events in the story.
Write a list of qualities for the main characters in the story. Rank the qualities in order of importance. Complete a Venn Diagram to compare yourself to the characters.
Explore the Consequences
Produce a PMI (Plus/Minus/Interesting) chart for the reading.
• Complete a Guggenheim for ‘Zero Tolerance’
• Write a 50 word story about the theme
• Use your artistic side to create lettering for “Zero Tolerance” that shows elements of the theme.
Event Immediate Consequence
Short-term Consequence
Short-term Consequence
Short-term Consequence
Short-term Consequence
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