
Sunday 5 July 2020

Alexus _ Lockdown Story.

 When the lockdown started I felt like it was over and no kids were at school for over three or two months, but no one in my family was that sick though . And I didn't get to see any of my relatives, or visit them, because it was on level 4, but call them on facetime. It was really boring, the fact that all of the restaurants were actually closed and didn’t open, especially Macdonald, KFC and the takeaway, except the stores that were in GI they were open, but only the central people were allowed to go in, but we had to go in a line we were allowed to go to the store to get some fruits and stuff, and we had to keep our two meter distance because only two people were allowed to go in and out, and we had to wear a mask and gloves to us safe from others. But the cooking that we were making at home was really good. It's just about the lockdown that made it very boring, because I didn’t like sitting at home, and doing nothing. When it went to level 3. I got really excited, because  level 3 was in May where I had my birthday on when I turned eleven, and did an online hangout with my teacher, and my classmates. My family went out to pak in save or the warehouse, but had to keep our distance. And even the Mac Donald, the KFC and the takeaway were open too, and I got to see all of my relatives. When it was on level 2 the school was suddenly open, and I was happy,because I didn’t get to stay home without anything to do, but I’m glad that I am at school

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